Working in Tandem

All play and no work makes for NO PLAY …
Check out all the ways you can get plugged into our local mountain bike community! Sending a Junior (under age 19 in the state of Alabama) to one of our work days/events? A parent/legal guardian must sign them in for work days, or send them with a printed, signed copy of our Junior waiver:
Become a Trail Champion!
Perform light maintenance at least quarterly on a trail you select. Tools and training are provided. See a list of adoptable trails here!
Trail Days
Show our trails some love! Join us to improve existing trails or build new ones the 1st Saturday (9-noon) and 3rd Sunday (1-4) of each month all year round! See the calendar for our tentative schedule and social media or Discord for specifics!
Volunteer to be a timekeeper, marshal, hospitality provider, or help in any number of roles to put on events like the Thursday Race League, Fall Fest, gear swaps, kids rides, etc.!
Volunteer to lead a ride for any skill level or maybe there’s something else you’d like to do. Your talents are needed! Email hamrhsv@gmail.com and let us know what you’d like to do!
Donations make the work lighter!
Whether it’s buying new tools, paying for professional builds/maintenance, hosting our members’ meetings and socials, or putting on events like our race league, fall festival, skills clinics, etc., your donations are going back into our trails and our community and we couldn’t function nearly as well without them!
TrailForks Trail Karma
Show our trails some love! Check our the TrailForks Trail Karma feature to donate through their website/app!
Sponsor Events!
Help HAMR put on the best MTB events in town by filling out a sponsorship form to make the Thursday Race League, Fall Fest, and other events sizzle!
Ride Your Bike & Donate
Support the trails you ride simply by riding them using our relationship with LuvTrails and the Trail Care platform.

We’re not one of those organizations that are all about putting you to work … That’s not how we think.
We see the trails as collectively OURS, and we want to build this idea of community to a point where we’re knit together like the branches of the tress around us. We’re working for something bigger than HAMR … We’re building relationships.