Group Rides


Group rides will leave at the below locations and times! Please arrive a little early to get signed in and get your bike ready to roll! Sign-in sheets each week will include the HAMR liability and release waiver.

Sending a Junior (under age 19 in the state of Alabama) to one of our group rides? A parent/legal guardian will need to come with them to check them in, or send them with a printed, signed copy of the below waiver:


Tuesday Night Kids Ride (TNKR)

Every Tuesday in June and July! Wheels roll at 5:45 PM, get there around 5:15 for check-in and details!

The Tuesday Night Kids Rides (TNKR) - pronounced “tinker” - are for kiddos ranging in age from 3 through 16.

Meet at the Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot pavilion every Tuesday in June and July (after the school year ends and before the new one begins).

Sweet treat after each ride! Look for weather calls on our social media platforms. Full TNKR details at the link below.


Recovery & Bevs (R&B) Rides

End of Daylight Savings Time through Beginning of DST (Nov through early March) Winter Schedule - wheels roll at 6:00: LIGHTS REQUIRED

Thursdays at Monte Sano State Park (weather permitting). $5 or annual pass required.

Beginning of Daylight Savings Time through its End (mid-March to end of Oct) Schedule - wheels roll at 5:30:

Odd Thursdays at Monte Sano State Park (weather permitting), $5 or annual pass required

Even Thursdays vary as follows (weather permitting):

March, April, June, August, October:

2nd Thursday at Space and Rocket Center

4th Thursday at Chapman Mountain

May, July, September:

2nd Thursday at John Hunt Park

4th Thursday at Redstone Arsenal Madkin Mountain Parking Lot (RSA access required)


Group rides will leave at the below locations and times! Please arrive a little early to get signed in and get your bike ready to roll! Sign-in sheets will include the HAMR liability and release waiver.

Sending a Junior (under age 19 in the state of Alabama) to one of our group rides? A parent/legal guardian will need to come with them to check them in, or send them with a printed, signed copy of the below waiver.

Shuttles will require a separate waiver - see the link!


FREE for HAMR members! Special Shuttle Waiver required!

Not a member? You can Join or Renew your membership to catch a ride, or pay $39 (the price of membership!).

Have trailer, will shuttle! Shuttle trailer will be at the bottom of Oak Park starting at 10:00 through approximately 2:00 on the First Sunday of the month from May through September (weather/trail conditions permitting). Look for social media announcements if this date needs to shift.


Wheels Roll 9:00 AM all year long (unless otherwise noted)!

Ladies, join us the second Saturday of every month (unless otherwise noted) for an all-skill levels-welcome ride just for you! We’ll split into groups as necessary and progress as a group all year.

January 11: Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot

February 8: John Hunt Park

March 8: Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot

April 12: Space and Rocket Center

May 3: BONUS Ride for International Women’s MTB Day at Monte Sano State Park!

May 10: Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot (this is also a backup date for our Women’s MTB Day!)

June 14: day trip to Arnold Air Force Base

July 12: Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot

August 9: Redstone Arsenal Madkin Mountain Parking Lot (access required)

September 13: Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot

October 11: Join us at the HAMR Fall Fest for a Ladies-only ride!

November 8: Chapman Mountain

December 13: Monte Sano State Park bikers parking lot - ladies holiday ride!


Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month as HAMR takes on various trail systems around SORBA territory (and elsewhere)! These will be fun day-trips including a group ride (splitting into skill-appropriate groups as needed). The group will have the option to go out to lunch afterward.

HAMR will do the legwork to coordinate these with other chapter leaders in advance as often as possible to have built-in guides to show us around! Locations and times below are tentative.

January: McClellan for the annual Shred for Sloan! Register and see details at the link!

February: Guntersville State Park

March: 10:00 EST (NOT Central) Enterprise in Chattanooga!

April: 10:00 EST (NOT Central) 5 Points/Cloudland Canyon

May: SPECIAL month - the HAMR Annual Epic May 23-26 at Pisgah!

June: 10:00 EST (NOT Central) Jarrod’s Place

July: Sewanee

August: 10:00 Central time at Oak Mountain south parking lot

September: 10:00 EST (NOT Central) Raccoon Mountain

October: SPECIAL month - we’re staying put for the HAMR Fall Fest!

November: Meet at 10:00 Central at Duck River in Cullman Boat Launch parking lot

December: 10:00 Central Tannehill